Financial Readiness

The technical and advisor work was used to attract and assure financiers. Camp Consult principals have supported the conceptual development of a greenfield oil and gas services port.


Case Study: Privately Led Development

More and more, governments are collaborating with private developers to address infrastructure needs. Public-private partnership models are being used as the framework for numerous project such as power generation, power transmissions, highways, ports, and roads. Some governments are using concession arrangements to shift the development burden and risk nearly fully to the developer. Financing such projects is complex but such projects are of great interest to development finance institutions who offer attractive financing terms but require strict adherence to their sustainability objectives.

  • Environmental and social studies to address complex biodiversity and resettlement issues

  • Engagement with financiers to address issues of concern and develop action plans

  • Development of adaptive and community-based monitoring programs to address impacts

  • Development of performance management systems to ensure compliance during construction